§ 1 Postanowienia ogólne
§ 2 Udział w TP AGH
§ 3 Obowiązki i prawa Organizatora
§ 4 Obowiązki i prawa Uczestnika
§ 5 Finanse
§ 6 Przepisy porządkowe
a) palenia tytoniu, papierosów elektronicznych i używania otwartego ognia;
b) wnoszenia substancji chemicznych pożarowo niebezpiecznych;
c) zastawiania dojść i dojazdów do urządzeń przeciwpożarowych, przejść dla publiczności, ciągów komunikacyjnych oraz wyjść ewakuacyjnych;
d) pozostawiania bez dozoru włączonych do sieci elektrycznej urządzeń przystosowanych do ciągłej eksploatacji.
§ 7 Rezygnacja z udziału
§ 8 Odwołanie TP AGH
a. wprowadzenia na AGH nauczania w formie zdalnej w okresie obejmującym czas trwania TP AGH,
b. zmiany przepisów przeciwepidemicznych,
c. zaistnienia Siły Wyższej.
2. W przypadku odwołania TP AGH Organizator nie pobierze opłat od Uczestników.
3. Organizator nie ponosi wobec Uczestnika, żadnej odpowiedzialności w związku z odwołaniem Targów, co w szczególności dotyczy odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej.
§ 9 Postanowienia końcowe
§ 10 Klauzula
Informujemy, że:
a) Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza z siedzibą przy
al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-069 Kraków.
b) Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza wyznaczyła Inspektora Ochrony Danych, z którym można się skontaktować za pośrednictwem adresu e-mail: iodo@agh.edu.pl.
c) Dane osobowe przetwarzane będą w celu realizacji wydarzenia: Targi Pracy AGH 2025.
d) Dostęp do Pani/Pana danych osobowych wewnątrz struktury organizacyjnej Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej będą mieć wyłącznie pracownicy upoważnieni do przetwarzania danych osobowych w niezbędnym zakresie.
e) Pani/Pana dane będą przechowywane przez okres niezbędny do realizacji wszelkich czynności związanych
z realizacją Targów Pracy AGH 2025.
h) Ma Pani/Pan prawo żądania dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz prawo do: ich sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania.
i) Ma Pani/Pan prawo do wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych, gdy uzna Pani/Pan, iż przetwarzanie Pani/Pana danych osobowych narusza przepisy ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych.
j) Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, jednak konieczne do realizacji celów, do jakich zostały zebrane.
§ 1 General provisions
1. These Regulations specify the terms and conditions of participation in the AGH University of Science and Technology Job Fair (hereinafter referred to as TP AGH).
2. The Organiser of TP AGH is the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, and the executive unit is the AGH Career Centre with its seat at 17 Reymonta Street, 30- 059 Kraków.
3. The Participant in the TP AGH is an entity that registers its participation in the TP AGH.
4. The Participant may choose the "Main Sponsor", "Sponsor", "Exhibitor+" or "Exhibitor" package. A detailed description of each package is given in the TP AGH offer.
5. TP AGH takes place on 1-2 April 2025 at the Studio Club, 4 Witold Budryk Street, 30-072 Kraków, from 10:00 to 16:00.
6. For detailed information, the Organiser can be contacted using telephone number: +48 12 617 37 62 or e-mail address: tp@agh.edu.pl
§ 2 Participation in TP AGH
1. TP AGH is addressed to employers performing recruitment processes concerning jobs ortraineeships/internships for AGH students/graduates or/and planning to start such processes.
2. The prerequisite for participation in TP AGH is filling an electronic application form (including acceptance of the hereby Regulations), a link to which is included in the TP AGH offer sent to potential Participants
3. Upon receipt of an application by e-mail, the Organiser shall confirm its receipt and send information as to the next steps of the procedure.
4. Applications from Participants shall be considered by the Organiser subject to the availability of exhibition space.
5. The number of participants is limited. Admission is determined by the order of applications.
6. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse to accept a company's/institution's application in TP AGH for reasons other than exhaustion of location possibilities.
7. A prerequisite for the acceptance of an application is the payment of financial liabilities to AGH resulting from the company's participation in previous editions of job fairs organised by AGH.
8. The final decision on the date of participation of companies/institutions in accordance with the "Exhibitor" and "Exhibitor+" package shall be taken by the Organiser taking into account the Exhibitors' preferences communicated to the Organiser, availability of places and industry diversity. The Exhibitors will be informed about the date of participation by 07.03.2025.
9. Sponsors have the right to choose their stands from among the locations proposed by the Organiser, in the order of application.
10. The Organiser reserves the right to choose the stand location for the companies with "Exhibitors+" and "Exhibitor" package.
11. The number of persons participating in the TP AGH on behalf of the Participant is limited:
a. "Main Sponsor" and "Sponsor" package - up to 6 persons,
b. "Exhibitor+" and "Exhibitor" package - max. 3 persons.
§ 3 Obligations and rights of the Organiser
1. The Organizer shall provide the Participant with a stand in the OCTA system, dimensions 4x2m (Main Sponsor), 4x1m (Sponsor), 3x1m (Exhibitor+), 2x1m (Exhibitor), illuminated with the company's name on the frieze, with access to electricity and wireless Internet. Standard stand equipment includes the following: counter, table, two chairs ("Sponsor Główny", "Sponsor") or counter, two chairs ("Exhibitor+", "Exhibitor"); available on fair days from 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
2. The Participant may obtain permission for own stand construction elements, provided that their dimensions do not exceed the dimensions of the stand ordered in accordance with the selected package.
3. The Organiser shall provide Participants with basic assistance (carrying light materials and stand equipment).
4. The Organiser shall provide a buffet and lunch for persons participating in the TP AGH on behalf of the Participant during the days of their participation in TP AGH with reference to par. 2 pt 11.
5. The Organiser shall provide basic medical assistance with an ambulance during the TP AGH.
6. The Organiser undertakes to disseminate information about the TP AGH via websites, social networks, posters, mailings and press and media materials.
7. The Organiser undertakes to place information about the Participant on the TP AGH website (www.targi.agh.edu.pl) and in the online catalogue on the TP website. In order to place the information, the Participant must provide it up till 10.03.2025 using the form provided by the Organiser. Before the fair catalogue is printed, the Participants will receive the final content of the entry for approval.
8. The Organiser reserves the right to decide on the final content of materials about the Participant published in the fair catalogue and on the TP AGH website.
9. The Organiser may cancel the service in the event of prolonged lack of contact with the Participant's representative indicated in the application form.
10. The Organiser has the right to film and photograph the stand and use the resulting materials for own purposes unless the Participant informs the Organiser of his/her lack of consent for such action.
§ 4 Obligations and rights of the Participant
1. The Participant ensures the presence of a company representative at the Participant's stand during TP AGH (according to the selected participation package).
2. The Participant shall, using the form obtained from the Organiser, send information needed for the entry in the fair catalogue and on the TP AGH website, and shall provide the current company logo according to the Organiser's guidelines by 10.03.2024. In addition, the Sponsors shall provide graphic materials according to the format provided by the Organiser by 03.03.2024. If the materials and information are not obtained by that time, the company name and contact information provided in the application will be included in the catalog and on the website.
3. The participant may organize promotional actions only within his own stand. The distribution of leaflets or other advertising materials, related exclusively to the Participant's business, may take place only within the Participant's own stand. The Participant is responsible for the content of leaflets or advertising materials.
4. It is forbidden to display and present at the stands offers (goods and services) that are incompatible with the thematic scope of TP AGH.
5. Elements of Participants' marketing constructions must not be placed in passageways and their placement must not hinder or prevent safe movement
6. The Participant agrees to comply with the regulations in force at the Fair venue, including fire and sanitary and other regulations.
7. The Participant undertakes to comply with the regulations in force at the place of the Fair, including fire, sanitary and other regulations
§ 5 Finance
1. For participation in the TP AGH, the Participant shall pay to the Organiser the fee specified in the offer, depending on the selected participation package.
2. Payment is based on an invoice. Participants will receive a VAT invoice for participation in TP AGH before or after the event, according to the preference expressed in the application form.
3. The Participant is obliged to inform the Organiser, at the time of registration, of all formalities conditioning the execution of the payment and proper issuing of the invoice, including in particular the need to register in the Participant's internal systems, order number, correct name and address data for the invoice.
4. The invoice will be sent by regular mail to the mailing address indicated on the application form. A scan of the original invoice can be sent to the Participant's e-mail address upon request.
5. Payment term: 21 days from the date of issuing the invoice payable by bank transfer to the Organiser's bank account. The Participant is obliged prior to the event to inform the Organiser if the Participant's internal regulations specify a different payment term.
§ 6 Organisational rules
1. The TP AGH is open to the public from 1-2 April 2025 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. During these hours the Participants' stands should be available to visitors.
2. The date of assembly of the stands of Participants who have decided to build their own stands must be agreed with the Organiser by 17.03.2025.
3. The Organiser shall not be responsible for the assembly and disassembly of the Participants' own constructions.
4. Following is forbidden at the premises of the Studio Club:
a. smoking and the use of open fire;
b. bringing in fire hazardous chemicals;
c. obstructing access to fire-fighting equipment, passageways for the public, circulation routes and emergency exits;
d. leaving electrical equipment designed for continuous operation unattended when connected to the mains.
§ 7 Cancellation of participation
1. A Participant may withdraw from participation until 28.02.2025 by submitting a written statement to the Organiser without stating reasons and without financial consequences.
2. If the cancellation of participation is declared after 28.02.2025, the Exhibitor is obliged to pay the full amount due in accordance with the chosen participation option.
3. Being absent during the TP AGH and failing to cancel the registration shall result in the Participant being charged the full participation costs in accordance with the selected package.
§ 8 Cancelling the TP AGH
1. The Organiser has the right to cancel the TP AGH in the case of:
a. introduction of remote learning mode at the AGH for the duration of the TP AGH,
b. amendments to the anti-epidemic legislation requiring such cancellation,
c. the existence of a Force Majeure.
2. In case of TP AGH cancellation the Organiser will not charge the Participants.
3. The Organiser bears no liability to the Exhibitor in connection with the cancellation of the Fair, in particular for damages.
§ 9 Final provisions
1. The Organiser shall not be liable for damage to or destruction of property belonging to the Exhibitor before, during and after TP AGH.
2. Changes to the rules of participation must be made in writing.
3. In matters not regulated by the above participation rules, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.
4. Disputes will be settled by the court having material jurisdiction over the Organiser's registered office.
§ 10 Clause
Information clause for persons whose data will be transferred in connection with the participation in the event - in accordance with Article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016
We inform you that:
The administrator of your personal data is the AGH University of Science and Technology with its seat at al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-069 Kraków.
The AGH University of Science and Technology has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted via email address: iodo@agh.edu.pl.
Personal data will be processed for the purpose of the event: AGH Job Fair 2025.
Access to your personal data within the organisational structure of the AGH University of Science and Technology will only be given to employees authorised to process personal data to the necessary extent.
Your data will be stored for the period necessary to carry out all activities related to activities connected with the realisation of the AGH Job Fair 2025.
You have the right to request access to the content of your data and the right to: their rectification, erasure, restriction of processing.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection if you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.
Provision of data is voluntary, but necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected.